addCookie(Cookie) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Add a new cookie.
addCookie(Cookie) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Add a cookie to the response.
addDateHeader(String, long) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Add a date header.
addFile(String, File, String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Add an uploaded file to the request.
addHeader(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Add a header to the request.
addHeader(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Add the given header value, including an additional entry if one already exists.
addInitParameter(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletConfig
Add an init parameter.
addInitParameter(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Add an init parameter.
addInitParameters(Map) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletConfig
Add the map of init parameters.
addInitParameters(Map) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Add the map of init parameters.
addIntHeader(String, int) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Add an int header value.
addMimeType(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Add a new recognized mime type.
append2digits(StringBuffer, int) - Static method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Append two digits if specified int is less than 100.


containsHeader(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Check if the response contains the given header name.
createTempDir() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Creates a temporary directory as specified by MockServletContext.getTempPath().
createWebappRoot() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Creates the web application root File MockServletContext.getWebappRoot().


DEFAULT_CONTEXT_PATH - Static variable in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
The servlet context default context path, "/mock".


encodeRedirectURL(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Encode the redirectUrl.
encodeRedirectUrl(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Encode the redirectUrl.
encodeURL(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Encode thr URL.
encodeUrl(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Encode thr URL.


findMockRequest(ServletRequest) - Static method in class net.sf.click.MockContainer
Find and return the MockRequest from the request stack.
fireActionEventsAndClearRegistry() - Method in class net.sf.click.MockContext
Fire all action events that was registered by the processed Controls, and clears all registered listeners from the ControlRegistry.
flushBuffer() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Flush the buffer.
formatDate(long) - Static method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Formats the specified long value as a date.
formatDate(StringBuffer, Calendar, boolean) - Static method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Format HTTP date "EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'" or "EEE, dd-MMM-yy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'" for cookies.
forward(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequestDispatcher
This method stores the dispatcher's resourcePath on the request.


getAttribute(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Get an attribute.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Get an attribute with the given name.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockSession
getAttributeNames() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Get the names of all of the values.
getAttributeNames() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Get all of the attribute names.
getAttributeNames() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockSession
getAuthType() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Get the auth type.
getBinaryContent() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Get the binary content that was written to the servlet stream.
getBufferSize() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Return the current buffer size.
getCharacterEncoding() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Get the current character encoding.
getCharacterEncoding() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Get the character encoding of the response.
getClickServlet() - Method in class net.sf.click.MockContainer
Return the container ClickServlet.
getCode() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Get the response code for this request.
getContentLength() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Return the length of the content.
getContentType() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
If useMultiPartContentType set as true return the correct content-type.
getContentType() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Return the response content type.
getContext(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Get the context for the given URL path.
getContextPath() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Returns the portion of the request URI that indicates the context of the request.
getContextPath() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Return the servlet context path.
getCookies() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Get all of the cookies for this request.
getCookies() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Get all of the cookies that have been added to the response.
getCreationTime() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockSession
getDateHeader(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Get the given header as a date.
getDocument() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Get the text document that was written as part of this response.
getErrorMessage() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Get the error message.
getForward() - Method in class net.sf.click.MockContainer
Return the path that Page forwarded to.
getForward() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Returns the url that was forwarded to, otherwise return null.
getForwardOrRedirectUrl() - Method in class net.sf.click.MockContainer
Return the forward or redirect url as set by the Page.
getForwardPageClass() - Method in class net.sf.click.MockContainer
Return the Class that Page forwarded to.
getHeader(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Get the given header value.
getHeader(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Return the value of the given named header.
getHeaderNames() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Get the names of all of the headers.
getHeaderNames() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Get the names of all of the headers.
getHeaders(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Get enumeration of all header values with the given name.
getHtml() - Method in class net.sf.click.MockContainer
Returns the html output that was generated by HttpServletResponse.
getId() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockSession
getIncludes() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Returns the list of server side included url's.
getInitParameter(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletConfig
Returns a String containing the value of the named initialization parameter, or null if the parameter does not exist.
getInitParameter(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Get the init parameter with the given name.
getInitParameterNames() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletConfig
Returns the names of the servlet's initialization parameters as an Enumeration of String objects, or an empty Enumeration if the servlet has no initialization parameters.
getInitParameterNames() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Get the name of all of the init parameters.
getInputStream() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Returns an input stream if there has been added some uploaded files.
getIntHeader(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Get the given header as an int.
getLastAccessedTime() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockSession
This method will return the current time by invoking System.currentTimeMillis().
getLocalAddr() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Return the local address, "".
getLocalName() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Return the local name, "".
getLocalPort() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Return the local port, 80.
getLocale() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Get the locale of the request.
getLocale() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Get the encoded locale.
getLocales() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Return all the accepted locales.
getMajorVersion() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Return the major version of the Servlet spec that this package supports, defaults to 2.
getMaxInactiveInterval() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockSession
getMethod() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Get the method.
getMimeType(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Get the mime type for the given file.
getMinorVersion() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Return the minor version of the Servlet spec that this package supports, defaults to 3.
getMockRequest() - Method in class net.sf.click.MockContext
Return the MockRequest instance for this context.
getNamedDispatcher(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Returns a RequestDispatcher for the specified name.
getOutputStream() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Get the output stream for writing binary data from the servlet.
getParameter(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Get the request parameter with the given name.
getParameterMap() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Get the map of all of the parameters.
getParameterNames() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Get the names of all of the parameters.
getParameterValues(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Get the values for the given parameter.
getPathInfo() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Get the path info.
getPathTranslated() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Always returns null.
getProtocol() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Get the protocol.
getQueryString() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Get the query string part of the request.
getReader() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
This feature is not implemented at this time as we are not supporting binary servlet input.
getRealPath(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Deprecated. Use ServletContext.getRealPath(String) instead.
getRealPath(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Get the real file path of the given resource name.
getRedirect() - Method in class net.sf.click.MockContainer
Return the path that Page redirected to.
getRedirectPageClass() - Method in class net.sf.click.MockContainer
Return the Class that Page redirected to.
getRedirectUrl() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Get the location that was redirected to.
getRemoteAddr() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Get the remote address of the client.
getRemoteHost() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Get the remote host.
getRemotePort() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Return the remote port, 80.
getRemoteUser() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Get the name of the remote user from the REMOTE_USER header.
getRequest() - Method in class net.sf.click.MockContainer
Return the container MockRequest.
getRequestDispatcher(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Returns a RequestDispatcher for the specified path.
getRequestDispatcher(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Returns a RequestDispatcher for the specified path.
getRequestURI() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Returns context path and servlet path concatenated, typically /applicationClassName/applicationClassName.
getRequestURL() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Returns (an attempt at) a reconstructed URL based on it's constituent parts.
getRequestedSessionId() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Get the requested session id.
getResource(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Get the URL for a particular resource that is relative to the web app root directory.
getResourceAsStream(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Get an input stream for a particular resource that is relative to the web app root directory or the current classpath.
getResourcePaths(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Get the resource paths starting from the web app root directory and then relative to the given name.
getResponse() - Method in class net.sf.click.MockContainer
Return the container MockResponse.
getScheme() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Get the scheme http, https, or ftp.
getServerInfo() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Get the server info.
getServerName() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Get the host server name to which the request was sent.
getServerPort() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Returns the port number to which the request was sent.
getServlet() - Method in class net.sf.click.MockContext
Return the mock ClickServlet instance for this context.
getServlet(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
NOT USED - Servlet Spec requires that this always returns null.
getServletConfig() - Method in class net.sf.click.MockContainer
Return the container MockServletConfig.
getServletContext() - Method in class net.sf.click.MockContainer
Return the container MockServletContext.
getServletContext() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletConfig
Return the servlet context.
getServletContext() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockSession
getServletContextName() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Return the name of the servlet context.
getServletName() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletConfig
Return the servlet name.
getServletNames() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
NOT USED - Servlet spec requires that this always returns null.
getServletPath() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Return a String containing the name or path of the servlet being called.
getServlets() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
NOT USED - Servlet spec requires that this always returns null.
getSession() - Method in class net.sf.click.MockContainer
Return the container MockSession.
getSession() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Returns the current HttpSession associated with this request.
getSession(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Returns the current HttpSession associated with this request.
getSessionContext() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockSession
getStatus() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Get the status code.
getTempPath() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Return the temporary path where files are stored during test runs.
getUserPrincipal() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Get the user principal.
getValue(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockSession
getValueNames() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockSession
getWebappPath() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Return the web application path where resources like javascript, css and images can be picked up.
getWebappRoot() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Return the web application root File where resources like javascript, css and images can be picked up.
getWriter() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Get the print writer for writing text output for this response.


hasUploadedFiles() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest


include(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequestDispatcher
This method stores the dispatcher's resourcePath on the request.
initContext() - Static method in class net.sf.click.MockContext
Creates and returns a new Context instance.
initContext(String) - Static method in class net.sf.click.MockContext
Creates and returns a new Context instance for the specified servletPath.
initContext(Locale) - Static method in class net.sf.click.MockContext
Creates and returns a new Context instance for the specified locale.
initContext(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class net.sf.click.MockContext
Deprecated. use one of the other initContext methods because those will construct a complete mock stack including a MockRequest.
initContext(Locale, String) - Static method in class net.sf.click.MockContext
Creates and returns a new Context instance for the specified locale and servletPath.
initContext(MockServletConfig, MockRequest, MockResponse, ClickServlet) - Static method in class net.sf.click.MockContext
Creates and returns a new Context instance for the specified mock objects.
initContext(MockServletConfig, MockRequest, MockResponse, ClickServlet, ControlRegistry) - Static method in class net.sf.click.MockContext
Creates and returns a new Context instance for the specified mock objects.
initialize() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Reset the request back to a default state.
initialize() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Reset the response ready for reuse.
invalidate() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockSession
isCommitted() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Always returns false.
isError() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Return whether the servlet returned an error code or not.
isNew() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockSession
isPost() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Return whether the request is a post or not.
isRedirect() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Check whether the response was redirected or not.
isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Check whether session id is from a cookie.
isRequestedSessionIdFromURL() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Check whether session id is from a url rewrite.
isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Check whether session id is from a url rewrite.
isRequestedSessionIdValid() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Check whether the session id is valid.
isSecure() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Always returns false.
isUserInRole(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest


log(Exception, String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Log the exception to System.err and the message to System.out.
log(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Log the message to System.out.
log(String, Throwable) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Log the cause to System.err and the message to System.out.


MockContainer - class net.sf.click.MockContainer.
Provides a mock container for testing Click Pages.
MockContainer(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.click.MockContainer
Create a new container for the specified webappPath.
MockContainer(String, Locale) - Constructor for class net.sf.click.MockContainer
Create a new container for the specified webappPath and locale.
MockContext - class net.sf.click.MockContext.
Provides a mock Context object for unit testing.
MockRequest - class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest.
Mock implementation of HttpServletRequest.
MockRequest() - Constructor for class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Create new MockRequest.
MockRequest(Locale) - Constructor for class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Create new MockRequest for the specified local.
MockRequest(ServletContext) - Constructor for class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Create a new MockRequest for the specified context.
MockRequest(Locale, ServletContext) - Constructor for class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Create a new MockRequest for the specified locale and servletContext.
MockRequest(Locale, ServletContext, HttpSession) - Constructor for class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Create a new MockRequest for the specified arguments.
MockRequest(Locale, String, String, ServletContext, HttpSession) - Constructor for class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Create a new MockRequest for the specified arguments.
MockRequestDispatcher - class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequestDispatcher.
Mock implementation of RequestDispatcher.
MockRequestDispatcher(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequestDispatcher
Constructs a new RequestDispatcher instance for the specified resourcePath.
MockResponse - class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse.
Mock implementation of HttpServletResponse.
MockResponse() - Constructor for class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Create the response object.
MockServletConfig - class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletConfig.
Mock implementation of ServletConfig.
MockServletConfig() - Constructor for class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletConfig
Create a new MockServletConfig instance.
MockServletConfig(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletConfig
Create a new MockServletConfig instance with the specified servletName.
MockServletConfig(ServletContext) - Constructor for class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletConfig
Create a new MockServletConfig instance with the specified servletContext.
MockServletConfig(String, ServletContext) - Constructor for class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletConfig
Create a new MockServletConfig instance with the specified servletName and servletContext.
MockServletConfig(String, ServletContext, Map) - Constructor for class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletConfig
Create a new MockServletConfig instance with the specified servletName, servletContext and initialization parameters.
MockServletContext - class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext.
Mock implementation of ServletContext.
MockServletContext() - Constructor for class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Default constructor for this mock object.
MockServletContext(String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Create the mock object.
MockServletContext(String, String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Create the mock object.
MockSession - class net.sf.click.servlet.MockSession.
Mock implementation of HttpSession.
MockSession() - Constructor for class net.sf.click.servlet.MockSession
Create a default MockSession.
MockSession(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.click.servlet.MockSession
Create a MockSession for the specified session identifier.
MockSession(ServletContext) - Constructor for class net.sf.click.servlet.MockSession
Create a MockSession for the specified servletContext.
MockSession(String, ServletContext) - Constructor for class net.sf.click.servlet.MockSession
Create a MockSession for the specified id and servletContext.


net.sf.click - package net.sf.click
Provides a mock package for Click, enabling unit testing of Pages and Controls.
net.sf.click.servlet - package net.sf.click.servlet
Provides mock implementations of the Servlet API interfaces.


putValue(String, Object) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockSession


removeAttribute(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Remove the given attribute.
removeAttribute(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Remove an attribute with the given name.
removeAttribute(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockSession
removeParameter(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Remove the specified parameter.
removeValue(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockSession
reset() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Delegate to initialize method.
reset() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Delegate to initialise method.
resetBuffer() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Clears the buffer.


sendError(int) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Send an error code.
sendError(int, String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Send an error code.
sendRedirect(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Indicate sending of a redirectUrl to a particular named resource.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class net.sf.click.MockContainer
Convenience method for setting the MockRequest attribute.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Set the given attribute.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Set an attribute.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockSession
setAuthType(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Set the auth type.
setBufferSize(int) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Method ignored.
setCharacterEncoding(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Set the character encoding.
setCharacterEncoding(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Set the character encoding.
setClickServlet(ClickServlet) - Method in class net.sf.click.MockContainer
Set the container ClickServlet.
setContentLength(int) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Set the content length.
setContentType(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Set the content type.
setContextPath(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Set the portion of the request URI that indicates the context of the request.
setContextPath(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Sets the servlet context path.
setCookies(Cookie[]) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Set the cookies.
setDateHeader(String, long) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Set a date header.
setHeader(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Set the given header value.
setHttpSession(HttpSession) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Set the request's session instance.
setId(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockSession
Sets session unique identifier.
setIntHeader(String, int) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Set an int header value.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Set the locale in the response header.
setMaxInactiveInterval(int) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockSession
setMethod(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Set the method.
setParameter(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.click.MockContainer
Convenience method for setting the MockRequest parameter.
setParameter(String, String[]) - Method in class net.sf.click.MockContainer
Convenience method for setting multi-valued MockRequest parameters.
setParameter(String, File, String) - Method in class net.sf.click.MockContainer
Convenience method for setting files to be uploaded.
setParameter(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Set a parameter.
setParameter(String, String[]) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Set the specified parameter name to the array of strings.
setParameters(Map) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Sets a map of parameters.
setPathInfo(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Set the path that this request is supposed to be serving.
setRequest(MockRequest) - Method in class net.sf.click.MockContainer
Set the container MockRequest.
setResponse(MockResponse) - Method in class net.sf.click.MockContainer
Set the container MockResponse.
setScheme(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Set the request's scheme, for example http, https, or ftp.
setServerName(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Sets the host server name to which the request was sent.
setServerPort(int) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Set the port number to which the request was sent.
setServletConfig(MockServletConfig) - Method in class net.sf.click.MockContainer
Set the container MockServletConfig.
setServletContext(MockServletContext) - Method in class net.sf.click.MockContainer
Set the container MockServletContext.
setServletContext(ServletContext) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Set the request's servletContext instance.
setServletContext(ServletContext) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletConfig
Set the servlet context instance.
setServletContext(ServletContext) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockSession
Sets the servletContext to which the session belong.
setServletContextName(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Set the servlet context name to the specified value.
setServletName(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletConfig
Set the servlet name.
setServletPath(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Set the string containing the name or path of the servlet being called.
setSession(MockSession) - Method in class net.sf.click.MockContainer
Set the container MockSession.
setSession(HttpSession) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Set the current HttpSession associated with this request.
setStatus(int) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
Set the status for this response.
setStatus(int, String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockResponse
setTempPath(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Set the temporary path where files are stored during test runs.
setUseMultiPartContentType(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
True will force Request to generate multiPart ContentType and ContentLength.
setWebappPath(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockServletContext
Sets the mock web application path to the specified webappPath.
start() - Method in class net.sf.click.MockContainer
Starts the container and configure it for testing Page instances.
stop() - Method in class net.sf.click.MockContainer
Stops the container.


testPage(Class, Map) - Method in class net.sf.click.MockContainer
This method simulates a browser requesting (GET) or submitting (POST) the url associated with the specified pageClass and parameters.
testPage(Class) - Method in class net.sf.click.MockContainer
This method simulates a browser requesting (GET) or submitting (POST) the url associated with the specified pageClass and request parameters.
testPage(String) - Method in class net.sf.click.MockContainer
This method simulates a browser requesting (GET) or submitting (POST) the specified path.
testPage(String, Map) - Method in class net.sf.click.MockContainer
This method simulates a browser requesting (GET) or submitting (POST) the specified path and request parameters.
toString() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockRequest
Returns the String representation of the mock request.
toString() - Method in class net.sf.click.servlet.MockSession
Return a string representation of the session.